Applications deadline April 19, 2023
The Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications for the University Partnership Program.
Program Objectives:
The U.S. Embassy works to assist the Serbian people to strengthen democracy, rule of law, and the protection of human rights; help fight brain drain and advance the country’s economic development; promote regional stability and cooperation; cooperate with international partners to combat crime, terrorism, human trafficking, and other global challenges; and make further progress towards Serbia’s accession into the European Union. We also strive to explain U.S. policies, culture, society, and values to Serbian audiences and deepen ties between our two countries.
University partnership proposals should support these goals while facilitating lasting connections between Serbian and American institutions of higher education.
Proposals can involve in-person and/or virtual exchanges for students, faculty, and/or administrators as well as any of the following activities: curriculum development; needs assessments; joint online courses; joint research projects; development of a joint degree program; development of a study abroad program; sharing of best teaching practices and instructional methods; support for participation in academic conferences or student competitions (e.g., moot court, Model U.S. Congress, Model United Nations); establishing an American Studies course or academic program; setting up a center focused on American Studies; and/or establishing or strengthening a career development center or a research and development center.
We welcome proposals which provide Serbian students and professors:
- American academic perspectives on shared areas of interest and lessons learned from the American experience in the focus subject(s);
- Insights into current research and academic debates in the U.S. on the focus subject(s);
- The chance to engage in discussions and debate with their American counterparts; and/or
- The opportunity to experience and assess teaching methodologies used in American university classrooms.
Partnership program proposals should be two-way exchanges that also give American participants the opportunity to broaden their perspectives, provide them with new insights, and allow them to learn firsthand from Serbian academics about their research projects. We welcome proposals that utilize video conferencing, distance learning tools, etc., to enhance and extend the two-way exchange beyond in-person opportunities.
University partnership proposals should be crafted with a S.M.A.R.T. logic model. The objective of your activity should be: Specific, Measurable, realistically Achievable within the period of the grant, Relevant to an actual problem or challenge, and Time-based, meaning that you will be able to finish the project and measure the impact by a set date.
In accordance with the Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Underserved Communities, proposals should demonstrate how the program advances equity with respect to race, ethnicity, religion, income, geography, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability. The proposal should also demonstrate how the program will further engagement in underserved communities and with individuals from underserved communities. Proposals should demonstrate how addressing racial equity and underserved communities will enhance the program’s goals and objectives, as well as the experience of participants.
Grantees are expected to: publicize your activities, including through social media and/or traditional press outlets; and highlight U.S. Embassy support, with our logo included on project-related materials.
Program Themes:
The Embassy is seeking applications that focus on any of the following academic fields:
- Social Sciences:
- International Affairs
- Security Studies
- Mediation, Peace, and Conflict Resolution Studies
- Regional or Area Studies: European Studies, Eurasian or Russia Area Studies, Asian Studies, Western Balkan Studies
- American Studies / American Minority Studies / American Gender Studies
- U.S. History
- U.S. Government and Politics
- Law and Human Rights
- Holocaust Studies
- Journalism
- Education:
- Civics Education / Teaching of Social Studies
- Holocaust and Tolerance Education
- Special Education (for students with physical and/or learning disabilities)
- Educational Technology (incl. distance learning)
- Economics / Business / Management / Economic Development / Entrepreneurship, specifically:
- Agro-business and Agricultural Development
- e-Commerce, e-Business
- Renewable & Sustainable Energy Studies
- Tourism Management / Cultural Preservation / Museum Management
- Local Economic Development
Note: If your institution is interested in developing a partnership focused on other academic fields besides the ones listed above, please contact PDS early in the application process to see if that field would be acceptable within the above framework.
All proposals should seek to strengthen Serbian academic institutions and innovative methods of instruction.
For more information please download the University Partnership Program Notice of Funding Opportunity FY2023