Dritan Abazović, Prime Minister of Montenegro: Montenegro follows EU policy one...
Continue reading Dritan Abazović, Prime Minister of Montenegro: Montenegro follows EU policy one hundred percent at Diplomacy&Commerce.
Miroslav Lajčák, EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Priština Dialogue: Firmly committed...
Serbia has made steady progress in its accession negotiations, in line with the Serbian government’s strategic goal of EU membership.
The Belgrade – Priština Dialogue has its ups and downs, and sometimes it seems like there is no progress regarding some problems that can’t be solved easily such are missed people or car plates. We spoke with Miroslav Lajčak, EU Special Representative for Belgrade – Priština Dialogue about mentioned problems, the Union of Serbian Municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija, the Open Balkan Initiative, and many other topics.
Continue reading Miroslav Lajčák, EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Priština Dialogue: Firmly committed to Serbia’s EU path at Diplomacy&Commerce.
La France célèbre sa fête nationale en Serbie (14 juillet 2022)
L'ambassade de France en Serbie a célébré la fête nationale par une cérémonie en hommage aux défenseurs de notre patrie au monument de reconnaissance à la France situé au parc de Kalemegdan, à Belgrade, symbole de la fraternité d'armes franco-serbe pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. La journée s'est poursuivie par un réception dans les jardins de la résidence de France. En soirée, la ville de Belgrade et la municipalité de Stari Grad nous ont fait l'amitié d'illuminer les bâtiments emblématiques de la (...)
Vie de l'ambassade
Source : La France en Serbie (https://rs.ambafrance.org/)
Международният фолклорен и музикален фестивал FIDAF„BELGRADE AWARD 2022″ се проведе в...
На 06.07.2022 година, в центъра на Белград се проведе финалът на юбилейния 10. Международен фолклорен и музикален фестивал FIDAF„BELGRADE AWARD 2022“, който включваше национално състезание на местни фолклорни ансамбли, международна състезателна гала програма и обявяването на победители. Освен от България, сред чуждестранните ансамбли, участваха и представители от Мексико, Тунис, Гърция, Румъния, Турция, Молдова, Индонезия.
Посолството в Белград посрещна студенти от Белградския университет
Посланик Петко Дойков посрещна в сградата на посолството студенти от Белградския университет. В срещата участваха и временно управляващия постоянната делегация на България в НАТО Златин Кръстев и военния аташе в посолството в Белград подполковник Руслан Христов.
Digital Diplomacy: Game of Codes in Geo-Politics
Diplomacy is at the core of geopolitics today. But what is changing so fast is the tools of diplomacy. That is digital diplomacy. Big Tech is becoming a full fledge stakeholders and player in foreign policy. Then how is it unfolding in the policy planning as it is about understanding technology and all stakeholders in the tech spectrum and beyond?
Diplomacy is at the core of geopolitics today. But what is changing so fast is the tools of diplomacy. That is digital diplomacy. Look no further to test the finest of digital diplomacy taking shape when the India’s Ministry of External Affairs launched the MADAD Portal for online registration, tracking and resolution of grievances by Indians around the world. How did it work for India which is traditionally known for the systemic tangles overburdened with a continental population? MADAD became the unprecedented tool of the digital diplomacy which marked a new era of the Indian foreign policies for its global outreach. In this case, the digi..
Digital Diplomacy: Game of Codes in Geo-Politics
Diplomacy is at the core of geopolitics today. But what is changing so fast is the tools of diplomacy. That is digital diplomacy. Big Tech is becoming a full fledge stakeholders and player in foreign policy. Then how is it unfolding in the policy planning as it is about understanding technology and all stakeholders in the tech spectrum and beyond?
Diplomacy is at the core of geopolitics today. But what is changing so fast is the tools of diplomacy. That is digital diplomacy. Look no further to test the finest of digital diplomacy taking shape when the India’s Ministry of External Affairs launched the MADAD Portal for online registration, tracking and resolution of grievances by Indians around the world. How did it work for India which is traditionally known for the systemic tangles overburdened with a continental population? MADAD became the unprecedented tool of the digital diplomacy which marked a new era of the Indian foreign policies for its global outreach. In this case, the digi..
Приятелски мач по крикет между отборите на България и Сърбия
На 9 юли 2022 г. на игрището "Лисичи jарак" в Сърбия се състоя приятелски мач по крикет между отборите на България и Сърбия. Посланик Петко Дойков бе гост на срещата.
Round table – The need to introduce administrative law in the...
Why is administrative law important in the concept of good governance, how to bring administrative law closer to Judicial academy students and what are the next steps in judicial reform when it comes to administrative law?
During a discussion on these and other current issues concerning the reform of the Administrative Court in Serbia, answers were offered by Branislav Stojanović, Assistant Minister, EU Integration Sector and International Projects of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia, eminent lawyers Prof. Dr. Dobrosav Milovanović, Prof. Dr. Marko Davinić, Prof. Dr. Vuk Cucić from the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, Maja Josifov, Head of the administrative law group at the Judicial Academy, as well as Michael Engel, Adviser in the GIZ Good Governance Programme.
The reform of the administrative judiciary which controls the work of administrative authorities is illustrated during the discussion through a whole range of examples, some of which, such as “administrative silen..
Strengthening Rule of Law in the Republic of Serbia
First Project Steering Committee Meeting of the ’’Facility supporting the strengthening Rule of Law in the Republic of Serbia’’
’’EU for Fight against Corruption and for Fundamental rights’’ – is a new motto that unites a whole set of project activities in the field of strengthening the rule of law and which in a very effective way unites partners in the project ’’Facility supporting the strengthening Rule of Law in the Republic of Serbia’’, funded by the EU, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).
’’Facility supporting the strengthening Rule of Law in the Republic of Serbia’’ and motto „EU for Fight against Corruption and for Fundamental rights“ are presented as Team Europe Initiative (TEIs), with significant contribution of the EU, Germany and Austria.
First Project Steering Committee Meeting for Chapter 23 ’’Facility supporting the strengthening Rule of Law in the Republic of Serbia’’, held on June ..