Statement on the 23rd Anniversary of the Murder of Bytyqi Brothers

Statement on the 23rd Anniversary of the Murder of Bytyqi Brothers Today marks 23 years since three U.S. citizens, Ylli, Agron, and Mehmet Bytyqi, were executed while in the custody of Serbian special police. Another year has gone by, and the grieving Bytyqi family has found no closure. Another year and the Serbian justice system still has not held anyone accountable for this horrendous war crime. We will not forget this crime and once again call on Serbia to hold accountable those who committed and covered up these murders. The post Statement on the 23rd Anniversary of the Murder of Bytyqi Brothers appeared first on U.S. Embassy in Serbia.

L’AFD et Suez Consulting aux côtés de Srbijavode, pour renforcer le...

Une nouvelle étape s'annonce pour le réseau hydraulique serbe ! Avec l'appui de l'AFD, un renouvellement et une extension des infrastructures existantes se rapproche. Srbijavode a bénéficié d'une subvention de 250 000 euros pour la réalisation d'une étude de faisabilité menée par le français Suez Consulting. Elle définira les conditions d'un projet de modernisation, d'optimisation et de normalisation de toutes les stations de pompage gérées par Srbijavode. UNE RENCONTRE POUR CO-CONSTRUIRE Le 7 (...) - Développement durable / Source : La France en Serbie (

Douanes : formation de formateurs à l’école nationale des douanes de...

Dans le cadre de ses actions de coopération technique au profit des administrations douanières de la région, le poste de l'attaché douanier à Belgrade a organisé, du 20 au 24 juin 2022, une session de travail destinée à qualifier les participants à la fonction de formateur. - Police, Justice et Douane / Source : La France en Serbie (

Supply and Deliver Apple Phones With Accessories Solicitation 19RB1022Q0631

Supply and Deliver Apple Phones With Accessories Solicitation 19RB1022Q0631 Notice Type: Solicitation Number: 19RB1022Q0631 Issued: July 7, 2022 Deadline for submittal of quotes: 17:00 local time on July 25, 2022 The U.S. Embassy in Belgrade has a requirement for a contractor to supply and deliver Apple Phones with accessories and intends to award a firm-fixed-price purchase order resulting from this solicitation. If you are interested in submitting a quote, please download the below solicitation document, follow the enclosed instructions and complete all fields highlighted in yellow. 19RB1022Q0631 Solicitation document 19RB1022Q0631 Brand Name Justification We intend to award a purchase order based on initial quotations, without holding discussions, although we may hold discussions with companies in the competitive range if there is a need to do so. The Embassy will consider all quotes which are received on time and are in compliance with the terms of the solicitation. If yo..

Среща на посланик Петко Дойков с министъра на икономиката на Република...

Посланик Петко Дойков, извънреден и пълномощен посланик на Република България в Република Сърбия, и г-жа Анджелка Атанаскович, министър на икономиката на Република Сърбия, проведоха среща на която обсъдиха организирането на бизнес форум с цел засилване на инвестициите в районите на Сърбия, населени с представители на българското национално малцинство.

Фолклорният ансамбъл „Родина“ участва в 10-ото издание на Фестивала за фолклорни...

Фолклорният ансамбъл „Родина“ от Варна, с директор Даниела Колева, участва в 10-ото издание на Фестивала за фолклорни танци и музика FIDAF, който се провежда в Сърбия. Откриването се състоя на 2 юли 2022 г. в Детския културен център в Белград. На събитието присъства българският посланик Петко Дойков.

Jerome Polin and New Diplomacy in The Modern Era

Rooted in the expansion of the two diplomacy pathways, the concept of citizen diplomacy is known as a way for ordinary citizens to contribute in international diplomatic interactions. Citizen diplomacy was born due to Joseph Nye’s adoption of the soft power concept and one of the essential diplomacy concepts in the current era of globalization. In the practice of citizen diplomacy, a citizen can promote and engages in interactions that are not only based on politics but also have a role in the broader focus or topic of international diplomacies, such as peace, education, culture, language, culinary, economic cooperation, and so on. The practice of citizen diplomacy is not always tied to the state’s interests, but a citizen diplomat can also represent his interests. In contrast to public diplomacy, non-state citizen diplomacy actors tend to stand alone. This means that these non-state actors are not bound by the participation space provided by the state. Citizen diplomacy actors can vo..

Jerome Polin and New Diplomacy in The Modern Era

Rooted in the expansion of the two diplomacy pathways, the concept of citizen diplomacy is known as a way for ordinary citizens to contribute in international diplomatic interactions. Citizen diplomacy was born due to Joseph Nye’s adoption of the soft power concept and one of the essential diplomacy concepts in the current era of globalization. In the practice of citizen diplomacy, a citizen can promote and engages in interactions that are not only based on politics but also have a role in the broader focus or topic of international diplomacies, such as peace, education, culture, language, culinary, economic cooperation, and so on. The practice of citizen diplomacy is not always tied to the state’s interests, but a citizen diplomat can also represent his interests. In contrast to public diplomacy, non-state citizen diplomacy actors tend to stand alone. This means that these non-state actors are not bound by the participation space provided by the state. Citizen diplomacy actors can vo..

PFUE – Table-ronde de passation avec la présidence tchèque

#PFUE - la présidence française de l'Union européenne touche bientôt à sa fin. Une table-ronde de passation avec la présidence tchèque a été organisée par le CEP et la DUE, pour faire le bilan du semestre écoulé et échanger sur les prochains grands rendez-vous. - Intégration européenne / Source : La France en Serbie (

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program Competition 2023-2024

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program Competition 2023-2024 Application Deadline Application deadline ends on October 17, 2022! The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce the opening of the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program competition for the 2023-2024 academic year. This a non-degree post-doctoral award program for junior and senior researchers, university lecturers, and experts from academic institutions in Serbia. This program gives scholars the opportunity to travel to the United States to engage in advanced academic research and/or lecture at the university level. All applicants must currently be affiliated with one of the higher education institutions in Serbia. In addition, all qualified applicants are expected to have the capacity and commitment to take full advantage of the program, either doing research or lecturing at a U.S. university, and be willing to share their experience and knowledge after returning to Serbia. The Embassy w..