Сърбия въвежда нови ограничителни мерки на територията на страната
Във връзка с борбата с коронавируса, считано от полунощ на 17 март 2021 г. на територията на Сърбия влизат в сила нови ограничителни мерки. До 22 март 2021г. ще работят единствено хранителните магазини, аптеките и бензиностанциите, след което следва да бъде направен анализ на ситуацията в страната.
Serbia can count on US support on its European path
Prime Minister Ana Brnabić held an online meeting with Special Representative for the Western Balkans and Deputy Assistant Secretary at the US Department of State Matthew Palmer
Palmer and Brnabić discussed bilateral relations between the two countries, the situation in the region and the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as economic relations and American investments in Serbia.
Brnabić underlined that one of the foreign policy priorities of Serbia is the improvement of all areas of cooperation with the United States (US), noting that the 140th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries is marked this year.
Continue reading Serbia can count on US support on its European path at Diplomacy&Commerce.
Konkurs za stipendije Instituta Konfucije (2021)
Stipendije „Instituta Konfucije“ za 2021. godinu
U cilju podizanja nivoa znanja kineskog jezika i kineske kulture kod polaznika Instituta Konfucije u Beogradu, kao i obučavanja stručnih kadrova za nastavu kineskog jezika kao stranog, Centar za obrazovanje u oblasti jezika i jezičku saradnju (Center For Language Education And Cooperation – CLEC) i Konfucije u Beogradu i ove godine otvaraju konkurs za stipendije „Instituta Konfucije” za 2021. godinu. U nastavku su pobrojane vrste stipendija, uslovi za apliciranje, rokovi za prijavu, kao i detaljno uputstvo za traženje preporuke od naše institucije i celokupan proces prijave (stoga molimo one koji se odluče na taj korak da pažljivo i do kraja pročitaju ceo konkurs budući da se tu nalaze sva rešenja za eventualne nedoumice prilikom prijave).
NAPOMENA : Od nas ne zavisi niti možemo da znamo da li će odlazak u Kinu, i pored dobijanja stipendije, biti, a zbog situacije sa korona virusom, moguć i da li će izabrani fakulteti stipendije koje ste..
Vodič univerziteta Communication University of China za prijavu za stipendije Instituta...
Institut Konfucije u Beogradu deli sa svim zainteresovanim ljubiteljima kineskog jezika i kulture željnim daljeg usavršavanja link na kojem se mogu pronaći informacije o dostupnim programima univerziteta Communication University of China za koje se nude stipendije Instituta Konfucije u 2021. godini:
Sledi detaljno objašnjenje o celom postupku prijave koje možete naći i u našem opštem konkursu, a u nastavku su takođe određene smernice i napomene u vezi sa prijavom koje vas molimo da detaljno pročitate, ukoliko se odlučite za prijavu na neki od ponuđenih programa, u suprotnom za tim nema potrebe.
Ukoliko želite da se prijavite za neku od stipendija, budući da je jedan od neophodnih dokumenata za prijavu i pismo preporuke institucije koja vas preporučuje (što bismo u ovom slučaju bili mi), molimo da nam na naš mejl institutkonfucije@fil.bg.ac.rs pod subject Podaci za preporuku za stipendiju odmah pošaljete podatke na osnovu kojih će direktor ..
MEDEF international mission in Serbia
A delegation composed of representatives of 25 companies led by MEDEF International (the movement of French companies), the world’s first network of French private companies, she visited to Serbia on March 11 and 12, 2021
The delegation, which promotes the positive dynamics of French-Serbian political and economic ties that have resulted in a growing presence of the French private sector in Serbia, leded by Laurent Germain, President and CEO of EGIS.
Continue reading MEDEF international mission in Serbia at Diplomacy&Commerce.
Vibrant capital still in our hearts
From rich cultural life to EU diplomacy and EU affairs
Diplomacy & Commerce magazine, in each issue, among other things, represents the diplomatic corps, as well as everything that happens in the diplomatic community in Serbia. Now we also want to show our readers where the former ambassadors work and what they do. In this issue, we present the ambassadors of two countries: Croatia and Romania. We asked them what they did after leaving Belgrade, what they miss the most from Serbia and how much the pandemic has changed diplomacy and the daily life of a diplomat.
Continue reading Vibrant capital still in our hearts at Diplomacy&Commerce.
By H.E. Aleksandra Joksimović, Serbian ambassador to Great Britain: Čedomilj Mijatović...
Čedomilj Mijatović occupies a special place in the history of Serbian-English cultural and diplomatic ties
There are very few brilliant careers with such a stellar rise in a person’s youth, such as that of Čedomilj Mijatović (1842-1932). The breadth of his interests, diverse roles and the indelible mark he left in each of them are the main characteristics of his productive life. It is difficult to define in which area he left the strongest impression, but his unequivocal view of the West and the support and promotion of Serbia are certainly among the most important directions of his life.
Continue reading By H.E. Aleksandra Joksimović, Serbian ambassador to Great Britain: Čedomilj Mijatović is back among the Serbs again at Diplomacy&Commerce.
Setting up of innovative companies in Serbia by applying knowledge transfer...
Business Ideas for Development project is part of the Global Programme “Migration & Diaspora” (PMD), which addresses people of Serbian origin who live in Germany and are interested in starting their own business in Serbia. The project aims at incentivizing economic growth, knowledge transfer and job creation and promotes innovation and sustainable development. The Programme is being implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
This year, a competition was announced aimed at the realization of business ideas whose business plan and model are already in a more mature phase and can be realized in six months.
We also offer individual support for a successful start of business, which is available in both Germany and Serbia. The project also helps networking with successful entrepreneurs and business founders, potential business partners, networks and incubators, and helps..
Support for returnees from abroad, regardless of the place of return
In order to provide assistance in the field of return and reintegration as efficiently as possible, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has published an updated Catalog of available support measures for returnees to Serbia. The most comprehensive document with all types of support for a fresh start, as well as programs for improving qualifications for employment and self-employment (entrepreneurship), contains an overview of all the organizations dealing with return and reintegration, as well as direct contact persons in these organizations.
“We continue to be a reliable support to all our citizens returning to Serbia, both from Germany and from third countries, and we help them to reintegrate into society and to go through all the processes as easily as possible, as well as to use numerous assistance programs. Along with an updated overview of the offered trainings for the improvement of qualifications for some of the most sought-after occupations on the..
By H.E. Jean -Louis Falconi: The French Embassy
Is among the most beautiful and best-preserved art deco palaces in the world
“How fortunate you are to live and work in such a beautiful place”. This is what I am told by almost everyone who visits the French embassy in Belgrade.
Indeed, I am. The French embassy is Serbia is not only one of the most beautiful embassies in Belgrade, but is among the most beautiful and best-preserved art deco palaces in the world.
Continue reading By H.E. Jean -Louis Falconi: The French Embassy at Diplomacy&Commerce.