These are the message of the event “Citizen Child  – A Child Friendly Society” taking place from 17 to 23 October 2015. During this week the Embassy of Sweden wishes to highlight Pippi Longstockings 70th birthday. Through a variety of activities we will remind ourselves of the little girl who inspired many generations of children to be brave, honest and outspoken.

During this event, which will take place in  UK Parobrod, Kapetan Misina 6a, Belgrade, a two-day workshop on “Children Make” will be organised, where children will be able to express their thoughts on important life issues, using new technology and the arts. Adults will have the possibility to hear how the presentation of the boys and girls in children’s books may affect small readers as they grow up, at a lecture by Karin Salmson, from the publishing house Olika from Sweden.

On Thursday, 22 October a conference will be held called “Never violence”, which will deal with the topic “is it right to spank your child”. At the conference we will follow the motto by Astrid Lindgren, author of Pippi Longstocking,  “You cannot spank some sense into your child but you caress so much more out of them”.

The conference will be dedicated to the Swedish experiences in the implementation of the legal prohibition of corporal punishment of children and reviewing the effects of the law 36 years after its adoption. Sweden was the first country to ban corporal punishment in 1979. Today, corporal punishment is prohibited in 43 countries. Participants will be able to exchange views on the opportunities and challenges of implementing similar initiatives in Serbia. The conference will end with a workshop on positive discipline intended for professionals who work with children and representatives of parents’ associations.

Announcing this event, H.E. Mr. Christer Asp, Ambassador of Sweden said:

Following the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, I want to point out its essence which is respect for the child. The children are citizens of the society and every child, without any discrimination, has the right to be treated with respect. The best interests of the child should be the main guiding principle in all actions and activities relating to children.

The Embassy of Sweden organizes the week “Citizen Child– A Child Friendly Society” in collaboration with the Swedish Institute, Saltkråkan (owner of the copyright to the Pippi Longstocking brand), in partnership with UK-Parobrod-Municipality of Stari Grad, the Association for responsible parenthood “Nest”, C31-Centre for Developing Children’s Right Culture, Scandinavian Corner, UNICEF , Save the Children, and the publishers Kreativni centar and Odiseja.

Media Contact: Vesna Glisic, +381 63355235

Attached is the program of  the event “Citizen child –A Child Friendly Society”