
The Project “Support for social Inclusion in Serbia/SIP” has a main objective of social and economic inclusion of woman and other disadvantaged groups in selected local self-governments. In addition to this, the project has a gender marker 2 (GG-2) according to the OECD DAC methodology, therefore approach should be at least gender responsive.

SIP project is broadly structured along four intervention areas (outputs) which are strongly interlinked, informing, and complementing each other. These are: 1) integrated social service delivery; 2) employment promotion; 3) antidiscrimination; 4) advising national policy development and implementation.  As part of the project’s support and activities conducted in cooperation with Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs (MoLEVSA).

The aim of this assignment is to provide support in implementation of campaign against gender-based violence which would raise awareness about topic, promote gender equality and ensuring effective access to justice for victims in order to create more equitable society for all.  The campaign will be done in close cooperation with Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialog.

Companies registered in the Republic of Serbia, who are interested to submit Expression of Interest, shall submit, with the Letter of Expression of Interest following:

  • Full company’s name, address, e-mail address, phone number, copy of excerpt/registration

document from the commercial/business register (APR), information on registered office(s), legal status, and date of incorporation;

  • Brief company’s profile (up to 1 page);
  • References for the implementation of awareness raising campaigns (at least one)

Interested companies, registered in the Republic of Serbia, send Expression of Interest with listed documentation by 31.08.2023 at 15h to the address below, in envelope labelled:

“Expression of Interest – Implementation of campaign against gender-based violence “Stop Femicide” 83446129” (do not open before 01.09.2023)”

GIZ Office Belgrade

Žorža Klemansoa 19/IV

11158 Beograd

Please, do not send financial information with Expression of Interest.

Please note: all correspondence and dealing with GIZ must be in English language.

Expressions of Interest submitted after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.

Based on the outcome of this Call for Expressions of Interest, GIZ will send Invitation to Tender to eligible companies via email to submit Offer.

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