The latest publications of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts will be presented at the 64th Belgrade Book Fair, in the Belgrade Fair Plateau 1A Hall on Wednesday, 23 October, at 3 p.m. SASA publications will be introduced by Academician Vladimir S. Kostić, SASA President, Academician Marko Anđelković, SASA General Secretary and Academician Miro Vuksanović, SASA Library Director.

From the rich publishing activities of the Academy, the following titles will be presented: a representative monograph: Mihailo Petrović Alas: Life, Work, Times; the catalogues: Mihailo Petrović Alas, Marko Čelebonović, Basara, Ljuba Popović, as well as the books co-published with other academies and scientific institutions: Language as a Record of Culture (co-published with MASA), The Church of Saint George in Rečani (co-published with the Institute of Art History of the Faculty of Philosophy), Records on Serbian-Croatian Relations and the Serbs in Croatia (1848-1914) by Academician Vasilije Krestić (co-published with The Archives of Serbia) and The Inscriptions of the Monastery of Chilandar. Volume I, XIV–XVII Century, by Academician Gojko Subotić, Bojan Miljković and late Nikola Dudić (co-published with the Institute of Byzantine Studies and the Monastery of Chilandar).

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