День русского языка

Сегодня слова на русском языке будут звучать в мире чаще, чем обычно, ведь 6 июня празднуется День русского языка. А вы знаете, почему именно в этот день? Ровно 221 год назад родился основоположник современного русского литературного языка Александр Сергеевич Пушкин! Во многих представительствах Россотрудничества в июне состоятся торжественные мероприятия, посвященные «имениннику»: В Загребе, у памятника Пушкину в парке Бундек, состоятся традиционные Пушкинские чтения. Их участники прочитают стихи Александра Сергеевича на русском и хорватском языках: http://rs.gov.ru/ru/announcements/30272. В российско-словенском центре имени Даворина Хостника (г. Шмартно-при-Литии, замок Богеншперк) откроется выставка «Пушкинская тема в графике художника Николая Предеина», предоставленная музеем «Михайловское»: http://rs.gov.ru/ru/announcements/30474. Улан-Баторский РЦНК проведет сразу серию мероприятий, в том числе церемонию «Традиции русского чаепития»: http://rs.gov.ru/ru/announcements/30150. О мер..

Remise de la médaille de l’ordre national de la Légion d’honneur...

Au nom du Président de la République française, l'ambassadeur de France en Serbie, M. Pierre Cochard, a remis la médaille de l'ordre national de la Légion d'honneur, grade de chevalier, à Mme Ljubica Gojgic. - Relation bilatérale et décorations / Source : La France en Serbie (https://rs.ambafrance.org/)

H.E. Damjan Bergant, Slovenian Ambassador to Serbia – We build healthy...

Relations between Slovenia and Serbia are good. We have intensive cooperation in politics, economy, culture and other areas and we have no unresolved issues. “Slovenia has made great strides in the last 30 years. It became a member of the Euro-Atlantic institutions, and thanks to its engagement in international organizations, the country has earned recognition and respect. We were well prepared for the presidency of the EU Council and we can say that we are implementing our tasks well and successfully. Continue reading H.E. Damjan Bergant, Slovenian Ambassador to Serbia – We build healthy partnerships for both the present and the future at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Monthly Pregnancy Sleep Training

Now that your little one has arrived, you’re ready to show her the world. One of the best and fun ways to do that is through play. Taking cues from your newborn as to whether they are willing to play is also key. “Babies have different states of alertness and in most alert states, play can be fun,” says O’Brien. “But a tired [or] hungry baby will fight play activities that they adored when they were more relaxed. “Paying attention to how your baby responds to the tone of your voice and how quickly or slowly you handle each toy will also help you determine how to play. “Play gives parents a chance to step away from the care taking role and get to know their little one. Because each stage of a newborn’s development represents different skill sets and abilities, it helps to understand how different types of play are beneficial.” says parenting coach Maureen O’Brien, Ph.D. Just as important as a full stomach is a newborn who is well-rested or, in what Dudley describes as a calm alert sta..

The New Year’s Concert of the winner of the ArtLink Award,...

The traditional New Year’s Concert of the the winner of the ArtLink’s award for the Most Promising Young Artist in Serbia was held on January 3 at 12:00 at Kolarac Endowment. The Laureate of the Award for 2020 young violinist Dunja Kalamir, was presented by Jovanka Višekruna Janković, the Artistic Director of ArtLInk on behalf of ArtLink and Casco Phill, Chamber Orchestra of Belgium, strategic partner for 2021. Dunja Kalamir was born in 2005 in Belgrade and after passing the audition for the ArtLink Young Talents Program in 2013, she has been participating in numerous master classes as a part of the program with renowned artists such as Stefan Milenković, Jan Vogler, Istvan Vardai, Pavel Dolezal, Benjamin Haemhouts, Filip Cwizewicz and many others. Continue reading The New Year’s Concert of the winner of the ArtLink Award, Kolarac Endowment at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Déclaration conjointe – Sommet UE-Balkans occidentaux (Brdo, 6 octobre 2021).

Le sommet UE-Balkans occidentaux s'est tenu à Brdo pri Kranju (Slovénie) le 6 octobre 2021. Retrouvez ci-dessous la déclaration commune adoptée à cette occasion par les Etats-membres de l'Union européenne, à laquelle les partenaires des Balkans occidentaux se sont ralliés. - Politique étrangère et communiqués / Source : La France en Serbie (https://rs.ambafrance.org/)

Izložba „Enigma. Dešifrovati pobedu“ posvećena dostignućima poljskih matematičara u dešifrovanju Enigme...

U Kulturnom centru Vršac, 9. novembra 2018, otvorena je izložba „Enigma. Dešifrovati pobedu”.

Ambassaden i Beograd soeger praktikanter

Are you interested in an internship starting August 1st - January 31st? The Embassy is looking for 2 interns for our Political and Trade Departments.

Conseils aux voyageurs

lien - Conseils aux voyageurs / Source : La France en Serbie (https://rs.ambafrance.org)

Посланик Петко Дойков бе на посещение в село Иваново, Автономна област...

Посланик Петко Дойков бе на посещение в село Иваново, Автономна област Войводина, където посети кметството, училището и културния дом. Проведени бяха срещи с кмета Йошка Дудуй, директора на училището "Моша Пияде" Саня Миятович и Марко Гуран, директор на културния дом.