Just Not by Car – Promoting Cycling and Sustainable Urban Transportation

During the European Mobility Week (17-21 September), the Embassy of Denmark in Serbia took part in "Just Not by Car" campaign by serving refreshments to commuting cyclists in Belgrade.

Italian Armed Forces Day Celebrated

The Italian Ambassador to Serbia, H. E. Giuseppe Manzo and Mrs. Manzo together with the Attaché for Defence of the Republic of Italy, Colonel...

PFUE : Colloque « Les Balkans vers un avenir européen commun...

Dans le cadre de la présidence française du Conseil de l'Union européenne (PFUE), cette ambassade a organisé les 9 et 10 juin, à la bibliothèque nationale de Serbie, un colloque centré sur la coopération régionale dans les Balkans. Cet événement a réuni pendant deux jours à Belgrade vingt historiens, politistes, économistes, décideurs français, serbes, allemands, roumains, albanais, bosniens, turcs. - Intégration européenne / Source : La France en Serbie (https://rs.ambafrance.org/)

Embassies and Residences Buildings: Indonesian Embassy

The building of the Embassy and the residence of the Ambassador are among the legacies of the friendship between Indonesia’s first President H.E. Soekarno and former President of Yugoslavia H.E. Josip Broz Tito The premises of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia and the residence of the Ambassador are located in one of the most strategic area in Belgrade, which offers a view of half of the city. Continue reading Embassies and Residences Buildings: Indonesian Embassy at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Међународна конференција о последицама климатских промена на културно наслеђе (Aтина,...

Међународна конференција о последицама климатских промена на културно наслеђе одржана је 21. и 22. јуна у Зепиону у Атини, на иницијативу Грчке владе. На скупу су учествовали представници из 43 земаља, као и бројне међународне и невладине организације, који су једногалсно усвојили закључке у вези са акцијама у области истраживања, инфраструктуре и образовања. Опширније на: https://ccich.gr/ (https://ccich.gr/)

Interview: Christophe Di Marco, Fund Manager at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale...

BFC SEE aims to create a favourable business environment through efficient administration, transparent local govern­ment, solid infrastructure and a partner relationship to the economy....

Посланик Радко Влайков откри обновената с помощта на България сграда на...

Извънредният и пълномощен посланик на Република България в Република Сърбия Радко Влайков откри обновената с помощта на България сграда на Гимназията в Босилеград.

Festival européen de littérature

Jalouse de David et Stéphane Foenkinos au Festival européen de littérature L’Institut français est partenaire du Festival européen de littérature, qui programme une série de projections de films contemporains basés sur les adaptations littéraires. Cette année, nous vous proposons de voir le film Jalouse de David et Stéphane Foenkinos. Le film Jalouse est le dernier film de l’écrivain et réalisateur David Foenkinos. Jalouse (FRA, 2017, 97’) De : David Foenkinos, Stéphane Foenkinos Acteurs : Karin Viard, Dara Tombroff, Anne Dorval Nathalie Pêcheux, professeure de lettres divorcée, passe quasiment du jour au lendemain de mère attentionnée à jalouse maladive. Si sa première cible est sa ravissante fille de 18 ans, Mathilde, danseuse classique, son champ d’action s’étend bientôt à ses amis, ses collègues, voire son voisinage… Entre comédie grinçante et suspense psychologique, la bascule inattendue d’une femme. Bande-annonce The post Festival européen de littérature appeared first on In..

Интервю на посланик Петко Дойков пред Българската телеграфна агенция (БТА)

Интервю на посланик Петко Дойков пред Българската телеграфна агенция (БТА)

The Gorchakov Fund will host an expert discussion about the digital...

The Gorchakov Fund will host expert meeting “Digital diplomacy: Can new technologies completely transform world politics?” Tuesday, April 13 at 4:00-6:00 pm Moscow time New technologies are consistently changing different aspects of life. Now, having a page in social media is not simply a requirement for a politician, but also a way to directly communicate with the electorate and the world. Technological innovations are taking their place in the foreign policy as well. Various diplomatic institutions in different countries are beginning to implement digital technologies into their work – they are expanding their presence in social media and conducting analysis of statements made by users on different topics using special programs. Introduction of absolutely new forms of diplomacy also reflects the spirit of time. Thus, the government of Denmark has introduced an institute of “digital embassy” and has also established a position of a “digital ambassador” to stay in touch with large te..