Посланик Петко Дойков посети форум “Българо-сръбски художествени диалози” в Нови Сад

''Обществото и изкуството в принудителна реалност" каквато е Covid пандемията е темата на тазгодишния форум "Българо-сръбски художествени диалози", който се провежда в Нови Сад.

H.E. Lourdes Victoria-Kruse, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to the Republic...

By Svetlana Nenadović-Glušac / D&C magazine Austria I am an active person with a positive attitude, but the key to our success lies in the team of people who accompany me. They are very capable and above all, committed professionals. We spoke with H.E. Lourdes Victoria-Kruse, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to the Republic of Austria and Permanent Representative of the Dominican Republic to the international organizations in Vienna. Continue reading H.E. Lourdes Victoria-Kruse, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to the Republic of Serbia – I am an active person with a positive attitude at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Vibrant capital still in our hearts

From rich cultural life to EU diplomacy and EU affairs Diplomacy & Commerce magazine, in each issue, among other things, represents the diplomatic corps, as well as everything that happens in the diplomatic community in Serbia. Now we also want to show our readers where the former ambassadors work and what they do. In this issue, we present the ambassadors of two countries: Croatia and Romania. We asked them what they did after leaving Belgrade, what they miss the most from Serbia and how much the pandemic has changed diplomacy and the daily life of a diplomat. Continue reading Vibrant capital still in our hearts at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Conférence de l’Ambassadeur de France en Serbie, Pierre Cochard : «...

La conférence de l'ambassadeur, donnée à l'Institut des études européennes de Belgrade, le 9 février 2022, en anglais, est maintenant en ligne. - Interviews de l'ambassadeur Pierre Cochard / Source : La France en Serbie (https://rs.ambafrance.org/)

Посланик Радко Влайков откри обновената с помощта на България сграда на...

Извънредният и пълномощен посланик на Република България в Република Сърбия Радко Влайков откри обновената с помощта на България сграда на Гимназията в Босилеград.

‘Digital diplomacy’ changes strategies in foreign policy prioritization

The emergence of “digital diplomacy” has changed strategies when it comes to determining what foreign policies to prioritize amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a top diplomat in the Middle East said. Paul Raymund Cortes, Consul General of the Philippines in Dubai, told CNN Philippines’ News.PH that he recently attended his first Zoom diplomatic reception hosted by China that lasted for only 45 minutes, far from the usual 2 to 4 hours. This gathering is usually held by the host country in its territory, wherein diplomats from all over the world attend to discuss matters like business and foreign relations. With the pandemic prohibiting social gatherings, these events can no longer be held physically. Cortes said the new normal has led to the emergence of “digital diplomacy,” requiring them to reformulate strategies to properly determine what policies to prioritize during virtual receptions. “It’s a little tricky. All these years we are used to face-to-face interaction but ngayon (now) bec..

Appel d’offres pour l’exploitation d’un espace commercial à Belgrade, rue Knez...

L'ambassade lance un appel d'offres pour établir une convention d'occupation temporaire (équivalente à un bail) d'un local commercial situé dans le bâtiment de l'Union (120 m²) qui abrite notamment l'Institut français. - Annonces publiques / Source : La France en Serbie (https://rs.ambafrance.org/)

Le MAE met en garde contre un faux compte Twitter attribué...

Déclaration du Porte-Parole du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Alger, le 19 mars 2019 Le ministère tient à attirer l’attention sur le fait que les informations attribuées à M. Ramtane Lamamra, communiquées à travers un faux compte Twitter en son nom, sont fausses, dénuées de tout fondement et relèvent de la pure manipulation. M. Ramtane Lamamra n’a communiqué à travers son vrai compte qu’au titre exclusif de sa mission au sein de l’Union africaine. Le dernier tweet publié sur son compte remonte ainsi au 1er mars dernier à l’occasion de sa rencontre avec le secrétaire général des Nations Unies, M. Antonio Guterres, avec lequel il a échangé sur les perspectives de renforcement du partenariat stratégique Union africaine-ONU. Le vice-Premier ministre, ministre des Affaires étrangères n’a jamais communiqué à travers les réseaux sociaux (Facebook, Twitter ou autres) au titre de ses nouvelles responsabilités gouvernementales.

День Независимости отметили в Посольстве Беларуси в Сербии

27 июня делегация Представительства Россотрудничества в Сербии во главе с Директором Российского центра науки и культуры «Русский Дом» в Белграде Н.В. Кущенковой по приглашению Чрезвычайного и Полномочного Посла Республики Беларусь в Республике Сербия, Республике Македонии и Черногории по совместительству В.А. Брылева приняла участие в приеме по случаю Дня Независимости Республики Беларусь. Сообщение День Независимости отметили в Посольстве Беларуси в Сербии появились сначала на Руски дом.

Vote par procuration pour l’élection présidentielle et les élections législatives de...

Retrouvez toutes les informations utiles concernant le vote par procuration - Elections / Source : La France en Serbie (https://rs.ambafrance.org/)