Otvorena prijava za HSK i HSKK ispite

Institut Konfucije u Beogradu obaveštava sve zainteresovane da počinje prijavljivanje za polaganje svih nivoa ispita HSK i HSKK, koji će se održati u subotu, 14. maja 2022. godine. Prijavljivanje se zatvara u petak 15. aprila tekuće godine, naknadno prijavljivanje nije moguće. U nastavku su informacije o načinu prijavljivanja za ispit. NAPOMENA: USLED TRENUTNE EPIDEMIOLOŠKE SITUACIJE, DONETA JE ODLUKA DA SVI KANDIDATI, BEZ OBZIRA DA LI SU SE VAKCINISALI ILI NE, MORAJU NA DAN ISPITA SA SOBOM PONETI DOKAZ DA SU NEGATIVNI NA KORONA VIRUS NE STARIJI OD 72 SATA (PCR TEST ILI ANTIGENSKI TEST, NE TEST NA ANTITELA). MOLIMO VAS DA URAČUNATE I OVE TROŠKOVE I DA SE NE PRIJAVLJUJETE ZA POLAGANJE ISPITA UKOLIKO VAM TESIRANJE NIJE PRIHVATLJIVO, JER REFUNDACIJA NOVCA NEĆE BITI MOGUĆA. Koraci za prijavu (pažljivo pročitajte sva četiri koraka): Korak 1: Kako biste se uspešno prijavili za željeni ispit potrebno je da se prvo obavezno registrujete na web-stranici www.chinesetest.cn i prijavite polaganje ..

Communications Agency Services – Request for Proposal 72016921R00003

Supply and Deliver Apple Phones With Accessories Solicitation 19RB1022Q0631 Notice Type: Solicitation Number: 19RB1022Q0631 Issued: July 7, 2022 Deadline for submittal of quotes: 17:00 local time on July 25, 2022 The U.S. Embassy in Belgrade has a requirement for a contractor to supply and deliver Apple Phones with accessories and intends to award a firm-fixed-price purchase order resulting from this solicitation. If you are interested in submitting a quote, please download the below solicitation document, follow the enclosed instructions and complete all fields highlighted in yellow. 19RB1022Q0631 Solicitation document 19RB1022Q0631 Brand Name Justification We intend to award a purchase order based on initial quotations, without holding discussions, although we may hold discussions with companies in the competitive range if there is a need to do so. The Embassy will consider all quotes which are received on time and are in compliance with the terms of the solicitation. If yo..

Bourses scolaires 2021/2022 pour l’Ecole française de Belgrade

L'ambassade de France en Serbie vous informe de l'ouverture de la deuxième campagne des bourses AEFE pour l'année scolaire 2021-2022. Seuls les enfants français âgés d'au moins trois ans dans l'année civile de la rentrée scolaire peuvent prétendre au bénéfice des bourses scolaires au titre de l'année 2021-2022 (enfants nés en 2019). - Bourses scolaires / Source : La France en Serbie (https://rs.ambafrance.org/)

Početak realizacije razvojnih projekta „Poljske pomoći” 2019

U prvoj polovini aprila otpravnik poslova Ambasade RP Andžej Kinđuk potpisao je ugovor sa predstavnicima institucija kojima su ove godine odobrena sredstva iz programa poljske razvojne saradnje „Poljska pomoć” (https://www.polskapomoc.gov.pl/ ) za Srbiju u iznosu od 30 000 evra.

#EUforYou Project – ‘EU for Cultural Heritage and Tourism’

COVID-19 Emergency Mitigation Measures The pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 virus has a strong negative effect on all tourism activities both in Serbia and globally. #EUforYou – ‘EU for Cultural Heritage and Tourism’ as a leading European Union (EU) project in the field of tourism, is implementing an immediate and robust response aimed at supporting local economic development through tourism-based activities, especially micro and small enterprises, to mitigate the consequences of the crisis. #EUforYou – ‘EU for Cultural Heritage and Tourism’ is a project aimed at developing tourism as a significant potential for economic development of Eastern Serbia and Lower Danube region. It is funded by the European Union and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Objectives The main objective of the Emergency Grant Scheme with a total value of EUR 1 million is to overcome the ec..

Davor Božinović, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior of...

All the research has shown that citizens have positively evaluated the Croatian government’s response to the crisis caused by the pandemic. That is why we have justifiably regained their trust at the elections, because, in the second half, we will have to repair the economic consequences of the crisis. Not many countries have faced such challenges as Croatia: the pandemic, an earthquake in the capital city and possible unforeseeable consequences for the tourism industry and many other businesses, and thus people’s jobs. Continue reading Davor Božinović, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia: One doesn’t change a successful team in the middle of the game at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Humanitarian Christmas Dinner of the Hellenic Business Association of Serbia

The Hellenic Business Association of Serbia held a traditional Christmas dinner, which gathered almost 70 representatives of member companies. This informal gathering was organized in the pleasant atmosphere of the Taverna Piatakia on 16th December 2021. At this year’s dinner, a humanitarian lottery was organized in order to raise funds for the purchase of necessary products for the daily life of children in the Children’s Village “Dr Milorad Pavlović” Sremska Kamenica. Continue reading Humanitarian Christmas Dinner of the Hellenic Business Association of Serbia at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Сегодня День космонавтики

12 апреля 1961 г. Юрий Гагарин, советский космонавт, впервые совершил орбитальный облет планеты Земля, стартовавший с космодрома «Байконур» на космическом корабле «Восток-1». В честь этого исторического момента установлен День космонавтики, по предложению второго Летчика-космонавта СССР Германа Титова. Сегодня День космонавтики считается Международным днем полета человека в космос. Сообщение Сегодня День космонавтики появились сначала на Руски дом.

A traditional cocktail at the residence of France

French Ambassador to Serbia H. E. Frédéric Mondoloni on September 21 organised a traditional cocktail in the gardens of the embassy, attended by a...

A la conquête des énergies renouvelables

Dans le cadre du projet « Caravane du climat #2 » et lors de la semaine européenne des énergies renouvelables, l’Institut français de Serbie et l’Ambassade de France en Serbie organisent une conférence nationale, en partenariat avec le groupe SUEZ, le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement, la Délégation à l’Union Européenne, le Centre de Promotion des Sciences, l’Académie serbe des arts et des sciences, le Ministère des Mines et de l’Energie et le Ministère de la Protection de l’Environnement de la République de Serbie ainsi que plusieurs associations de protection de l’environnement. Cette conférence visera à faire le point sur la consommation des énergies fossiles en Serbie et sur les opportunités déjà présentes ou à encourager pour renforcer le recours à des sources énergétiques propres ou recyclées. La croissance des émissions de gaz à effets de serre en Serbie est due à 80% au secteur de l’énergie, notamment du fait que les centrales thermiques au charbon sont les pri..