Otvorene su prijave za polaganje HSK i HSKK ispita u maju
Institut Konfucije u Beogradu obaveštava sve zainteresovane da počinje prijavljivanje za polaganje svih nivoa ispita HSK i HSKK, koji će se održati u subotu, 15. maja 2021. godine.Prijavljivanje se zatvara u nedelju 11. aprila tekuće godine, naknadno prijavljivanje nije moguće. U nastavku su informacije o načinu prijavljivanja za ispit.NAPOMENA: USLED TRENUTNE EPIDEMIJSKE SITUACIJE, DONETA JE ODLUKA DA SVI KANDIDATI, BEZ OBZIRA DA LI SU SE VAKCINISALI ILI NE, MORAJU NA DAN ISPITA SA SOBOM PONETI DOKAZ O NEGATIVNOSTI NA KORONA VIRUS NE STARIJI OD 72 SATA (ILI PCR TEST ILI ANTIGENSKI TEST, NE TEST NA ANTITELA). MOLIMO VAS DA URAČUNATE I OVE TROŠKOVE I DA SE NE PRIJAVLJUJETE ZA POLAGANJE ISPITA UKOLIKO VAM TESIRANJE NIJE PRIHVATLJIVO, JER REFUNDACIJA NOVCA NEĆE BITI MOGUĆA.Koraci za prijavu (pročitajte detaljno sva četiri koraka):
Korak 1:Kako biste se uspešno prijavili za željeni ispit potrebno je da se prvo obavezno registrujete na web-stranici www.chinesetest.cn i prijavite polaganje o..
The Training Disconnect: How to Prepare Diplomats for the Digital Age
The adoption of digital technologies by diplomats has had a profound impact on the working routines of ministries of foreign affairs (MFAs). Specifically, digital technologies have had a temporal and spatial effect on diplomacy. The speed with which news travels online has reduced the response time of diplomats. Those wishing to comment on world events must practice a form of real-time diplomacy in which they narrate events as they unfold on the ground. Similarly, diplomatic reporting to headquarters must now take place in near-real time as digitalization accelerates the evolution of political events. As Philip Seib has argued, the all-powerful Hosni Mubarak was ousted in just three weeks while the colour revolutions in Ukraine lasted less than a month. Digital diplomacy is thus also speed diplomacy.
From a spatial perspective, the ease with which information traverses national borders has blurred the distinction between the domestic and the foreign. Diplomatic messages aimed at forei..
Support of the EU Integration, Bilateral and Economic Cooperation
1. Your country supports Serbia on its road to the EU membership. How would you rate the reforms in Serbia and what should be the Serbian government’s priorities in the coming period?
2. Bilateral relations between our two countries are good. Where do you see the potential for improving the cooperation between Serbia and your country?
I see great potential in our economic and trade relations
Continue reading Support of the EU Integration, Bilateral and Economic Cooperation at Diplomacy&Commerce.
H.E.Thomas Schieb, Ambassador of Germany to Serbia: Our bilateral and economic...
When I started as German ambassador in 2018, the number of jobs created by German companies was 48,000. Today, 2 ½ years later, this number is around 68,000. It is also very positive that the quality of created jobs has changed – German companies offer more and more job opportunities for a highly qualified workforce, like engineers and IT experts
In the last 20 years, the German government, together with its institutions KfW and GIZ, has implemented projects worth two billion euro in Serbia.
Continue reading H.E.Thomas Schieb, Ambassador of Germany to Serbia: Our bilateral and economic relations are flourishing at Diplomacy&Commerce.
Vodič univerziteta Harbin Normal University za prijavu za stipendije Instituta Konfucije...
Institut Konfucije u Beogradu deli sa svim zainteresovanim ljubiteljima kineskog jezika i kulture željnim daljeg usavršavanja link na kojem se mogu pronaći informacije o dostupnim programima univerziteta Harbin Normal University za koje se nude stipendije Instituta Konfucije za 2021. godinu:
Na linku se može pronaći i detaljno objašnjenje o celom postupku prijave, a u nastavku su takođe određene smernice i napomene u vezi sa prijavom koje vas molimo da detaljno pročitate, ukoliko se odlučite za prijavu na neki od ponuđenih programa, u suprotnom za tim nema potrebe.
Ukoliko želite da se prijavite za neku od stipendija, budući da je jedan od neophodnih dokumenata za prijavu i pismo preporuke institucije koja vas preporučuje (što bismo u ovom slučaju bili mi), molimo da nam na naš mejl institutkonfucije@fil.bg.ac.rs pod subject Podaci za preporuku za stipendiju odmah pošaljete podatke na osnovu kojih će direktor Instituta Konfucije u Beogr..
H.E. Tomáš Kuchta, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Serbia:WB6 should...
Czech and Serbs will always be brothers
Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia were born together, but they died differently – Yugoslavia in blood and Czechoslovakia following a peaceful divorce. We talked with the Czech Ambassador to Serbia, H. E. Tomáš Kuchta, about the past and future of our two countries.
It seems that we have been heading in different directions lately. How much of the old “love” that existed prior to 1991 is left?
Continue reading H.E. Tomáš Kuchta, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Serbia:WB6 should follow the steps of the Visegrád Group at Diplomacy&Commerce.
Onlajn predavanje: Kina – od opljačkanog carstva do globalne supersile
Institut Konfucije u Beogradu i Biblioteka grada Beograda pozivaju vas na onlajn predavanje Kina – od opljačkanog carstva do globalne supersile
Aleksandar Novačić, jedan je od vodećih srpskih i jugoslovenskih novinara i poznavalaca Kine sa velikim iskustvom stalnog dopisnika iz Pekinga. Radio je u jugoslovenskoj novinskoj agenciji Tanjug. Tokom novinarske karijere, izveštavao je o ključnim međunarodnim događajima, dok je u Kini bio svedok događajima koji su promenili tok istorije ne samo ove zemlje, već i čitavog sveta. Autor je mnogih knjiga kao što su Veliki zaokret, Zmajevi dolaze, Kineski mozaik, Kina – Zmaj na Olimpu, Rađanje velike Kine i druge.
U svom predavanju, prikazaće nam kako je izgledala kineska istorija tokom prethodnih 100 godina, kako je iz carstva prerasla u republiku, da bi 1949. postala Narodna Republika Kina, koja je nakon mnogo godina neprestane borbe ušla na vrata svetske scene kao veoma važan igrač.
Predavanje će biti dostupno na youtube kanalu Institut Konfucij..
VIII CANSEE General Assembly Session Held at Historical Museum of Serbia
CANSEE Canadian Serbian Business Association organized VIII Regular General Assembly on Monday, February 22, at the beautiful premises of the Historical Museum of Serbia, 11 Nikola Pašić Square in Belgrade.
Due to the recommended precautionary health and safety measures, for the first time this CANSEE General Assembly was held in a hybrid format meaning that some members were able to attend in person and the rest of valuable members followed the Assembly LIVE via Zoom platform online.
Continue reading VIII CANSEE General Assembly Session Held at Historical Museum of Serbia at Diplomacy&Commerce.
Improvement of Business Environment for German Companies in Serbia
Prime Minister Ana Brnabić talked yesterday via video link with representatives of German companies from the Committee of German Economy for the East about strengthening economic cooperation through further improvement of the business environment for German companies operating in Serbia.
Brnabić pointed out that Serbia, thanks to the reforms it has implemented, especially in the field of rule of law, digitalization, education reform and economy, has become a credible and reliable partner for German companies that are increasingly present in our country.
Continue reading Improvement of Business Environment for German Companies in Serbia at Diplomacy&Commerce.
Отбелязване на 148-ата годишнина от гибелта на Васил Левски в Белград
Посолството на Република България в Белград отбеляза 148-ата годишнина от гибелта на Васил Левски с церемония пред паметника на Апостола в парка „Ташмайдан“ в Белград. В церемонията участва екипът на посолството като бяха положени венци пред паметника, а временно управляващият на мисията г-н Виктор Роснев произнесе кратка реч.