H.E. Attila PINTÉR, Ambassador of Hungary to Serbia – A perspective...

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H.E. Hami Aksoy, Ambassador of Turkey to Serbia: We are living...

Continue reading H.E. Hami Aksoy, Ambassador of Turkey to Serbia: We are living a golden age in our relations with Serbia at Diplomacy&Commerce.

H.E. Hami Aksoy, Ambassador of Türkiye to Serbia: We are living...

Continue reading H.E. Hami Aksoy, Ambassador of Türkiye to Serbia: We are living a golden age in our relations with Serbia at Diplomacy&Commerce.

H.E. Hami Aksoy, Ambassador of Turkey to Serbia: Turkey strongly supports...

Continue reading H.E. Hami Aksoy, Ambassador of Turkey to Serbia: Turkey strongly supports the Euro-Atlantic integration of Balkan countries at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Completion of SDGs initiatives in five local communities in Serbia

The completion of initiatives implemented by civil society organizations within the Fund for Sustainable Local Development was celebrated on September 6 in Belgrade, in the presence of representatives of local self-governments, national institutions, civil society organizations and experts in the field of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs localization. The Fund for Sustainable Local Development was supported by the Swiss and German Development Cooperation and implemented by GIZ within the “Public Finance Reform – 2030 Agenda” project. The initiatives were implemented in Bor, Sombor, Požega, Knjaževac and Pirot, by the Timok Club from Knjaževac, the Sombor Educational Center, the “Veljko Petrovic” Gymnasium Foundation from Sombor and the Association of Young Researchers from Bor, together with partner organizations: the Civic Alliance for Social Inclusion – GASI from Požega and Pirgos from Pirot, and in cooperation with local self-governments in the mentioned cities and municipalities. The foc..

New EU office in San Francisco opens in Irish consulate

The goal of the US office is to strengthen the EU’s digital diplomacy. It is led by Gerard de Graaf, a key official who has worked on landmark tech laws. The EU has officially opened its new office in san francisco to network with US-based doctors talk companies and enhance transatlantic relationships in the digital space. Initially located next to the Irish consulate, the aim of the office is to strengthen EU-US cooperation. on digital diplomacy and strengthen the EU’s capacity to communicate with public and private stakeholders, such as legislators, business leaders and civil society in the doctors talk sector. “The opening of the office in San Francisco responds to the EU’s commitment to strengthen transatlantic technological cooperation and promote global digital transformation based on democratic values ​​and standards,” said Josep Borrell, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Policy. of security. . “It is a concrete step to further strengthen the EU’s work on issues..

To Know Malaysia Is To Love Malaysia

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България и Сърбия подписаха Споразумение за поддръжка на фарватера на река...

На 3 септември бе подписано Споразумение за сътрудничество по техническата поддръжка на фарватера на река Дунав между Министерството на транспорта и съобщенията на Република България и Министерството на строителството, транспорта и инфраструктурата на Република Сърбия. Споразумението цели да улесни корабоплаването по река Дунав.

Days of Japanese Culture in Šabac

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Indonesia presents Mandalica dance drama for the Serbian public

Continue reading Indonesia presents Mandalica dance drama for the Serbian public at Diplomacy&Commerce.