Посланик Петко Дойков проведе среща в Министерството на младежта и спорта...

На 1 септември посланик Петко Дойков се срещна с Неманя Светличич, началник на кабинета, и Урош Прибичевич, и.д. помощник-министър на Министерството на младежта и спорта на Сърбия. Повод за срещата бе отправената покана за посещение на министъра на спорта Андрей Кузманов в Белград от страна на неговия хомолог Ваня Удовичич.

First meeting of domestic institutions to better respond to the needs...

With the aim of networking and knowledge exchange, as well as raising the level of cooperation, a two-day meeting was held between advisors from Migration Service Centres (MSC) of the National Employment Service (NES), local commissioners of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia (KIRS), civil society organisations and the global programmes “Migration for Development” (PME) and “Migration and Diaspora” (PMD), which are implemented by GIZ within the framework of German development cooperation in Serbia. The meeting brought together 49 participants, including representatives of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), Caritas Serbia and numerous representatives of civil society organisations. They presented insights from their own work, which coincided in the fact that the application of employment measures for returnees is insufficiently represented, since returnees mostly apply for assistance in the procurement of construction materials, basic..

Relation politique

La France soutient les réformes politiques et économiques entreprises par la Serbie depuis les années 2000 et ses efforts en vue de son adhésion à l'UE. La relation bilatérale franco-serbe s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un accord de partenariat stratégique et de coopération signé le 8 avril 2011, mais elle est bien plus ancienne, l'année 2019 marquant la célébration des 180 ans de l'établissement des relations diplomatiques entre les deux pays. Retrouvez ici des dernières actualités de la relation politique (...) - Relations diplomatiques / Source : La France en Serbie (https://rs.ambafrance.org/)

Demande de passe sanitaire en cas de vaccination à l’étranger (procédure...

Les Français résidents à l'étranger et vaccinés avec un vaccin reconnu par l'Agence Européenne du médicament peuvent, à l'occasion d'un voyage en France, faire une demande pour l'obtention d'un passe sanitaire. La délivrance d'un QR code leur permettra de régulariser leur situation vaccinale dans l'application TousAntiCovid.français. Cette demande se fait uniquement par courriel à l'adresse : Certificat-vaccin-covid.fde5@diplomatie.gouv.fr - Actualité consulaire / Source : La France en Serbie (https://rs.ambafrance.org/)

Predsednik Vučić primio akreditivna pisma novoimenovanog ambasadora Republike Indije

Predsedniku Republike Srbije Aleksandru Vučiću danas je akreditivna pisma predao i ambasador Republike Indije Sandživ Koli. Predsednik Vučić je ovom prilikom izrazio uverenje da će...

Presentation of credential by H.E. Sanjiv Kohli, Ambassador of India to...

On August 25, 2021, H.E. Mr. Sanjiv Kohli has presented his Letters of Credence to, H.E. Mr. Aleksandar Vučić, President of the Republic of Serbia accrediting him as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the Republic of Serbia. H.E. Sanjiv Kohli assumed charge as the Ambassador-designate of India to the Republic of Serbia on 30 July 2021. An electronics engineer by education, Mr. Continue reading Presentation of credential by H.E. Sanjiv Kohli, Ambassador of India to Serbia at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Re-examining Live Performance at the 54th and 55th Bitef

This year Bitef will take place from 13 to 25 September. The double edition of the festival will consist of as many as fourteen productions in the main programme, by authors from France, Belgium, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Iran, Austria, Mexico, and Chile. One Installation and One Performance on Zoom The artistic focus of the festival will be on the dehumanisation of the performer’s body in different forms: through choreographic processes, lighting and video effects, the absence of performers, their digital presence, and the use of robots and drones on stage. Continue reading Re-examining Live Performance at the 54th and 55th Bitef at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Coopération de défense

Depuis la reprise des relations de défense entre la France et la Serbie en 2004, une coopération militaire et technique a été mise en place entre nos deux pays et formalisée le 8 avril 2011 par un accord de partenariat stratégique. Une coopération significative a été observée entre 2008 et 2012 dans l'organisation et le fonctionnement des forces armées serbes, au travers de la présence d'officiers coopérants français dans le domaine des ressources humaines (2006-2008), de la doctrine et l'entraînement (...) - Sécurité / Défense / Source : La France en Serbie (https://rs.ambafrance.org/)

The first “Day of early childhood” in Belgrade

The first “Day of early childhood” in Belgrade, the event that will round up the citizens of Belgrade with the aim of meeting the public’s attention to the importance of the first 1,000 days of life, will be held on August 31st from 5 pm on Trg Republike from whence the assembled will take walk at the street Kneza Mihaila. With this walk, the association “Žute Pantalone” wants to draw the public’s attention to what science has confirmed – the first 1000 days are crucial for human life, as well as to initiate the proclamation of August 31st as EARLY CHILDHOOD DAY. Continue reading The first “Day of early childhood” in Belgrade at Diplomacy&Commerce.

100e anniversaire de la mort du roi Pierre Ier Karadjordjevic à...

Le chargé d'affaires de l'ambassade de France, accompagné de représentants de la mission de Défense, a participé aujourd'hui à la célébration du 100ème anniversaire du décès du roi Pierre Ier Karadjordjevic - Mémoire et commémorations / Source : La France en Serbie (https://rs.ambafrance.org/)