Otvorena prijava za HSK i HSKK ispite

Institut Konfucije u Beogradu obaveštava sve zainteresovane da počinje prijavljivanje za polaganje svih nivoa ispita HSK i HSKK, koji će se održati u subotu, 14. maja 2022. godine. Prijavljivanje se zatvara u petak 15. aprila tekuće godine, naknadno prijavljivanje nije moguće. U nastavku su informacije o načinu prijavljivanja za ispit. NAPOMENA: USLED TRENUTNE EPIDEMIOLOŠKE SITUACIJE, DONETA JE ODLUKA DA SVI KANDIDATI, BEZ OBZIRA DA LI SU SE VAKCINISALI ILI NE, MORAJU NA DAN ISPITA SA SOBOM PONETI DOKAZ DA SU NEGATIVNI NA KORONA VIRUS NE STARIJI OD 72 SATA (PCR TEST ILI ANTIGENSKI TEST, NE TEST NA ANTITELA). MOLIMO VAS DA URAČUNATE I OVE TROŠKOVE I DA SE NE PRIJAVLJUJETE ZA POLAGANJE ISPITA UKOLIKO VAM TESIRANJE NIJE PRIHVATLJIVO, JER REFUNDACIJA NOVCA NEĆE BITI MOGUĆA. Koraci za prijavu (pažljivo pročitajte sva četiri koraka): Korak 1: Kako biste se uspešno prijavili za željeni ispit potrebno je da se prvo obavezno registrujete na web-stranici www.chinesetest.cn i prijavite polaganje ..

International Francophonie Day- Canada and La Francophonie

La Francophonie represents a community of 88 states and governments (61 members and 27 observers) with a population of over 1 billion people worldwide, including more than 300 million French speakers. March 20 gives us the opportunity to highlight the spirit of solidarity that has been driving international collaboration in La Francophonie for more than half a century. Given the global crisis we are experiencing today, this solidarity is more necessary than ever if we want to find solutions to the economic, health and social challenges facing the Francophone world. Continue reading International Francophonie Day- Canada and La Francophonie at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Sarajevo Business Forum investment projects submission is open

Apply and present projects to investors from all over the world Sarajevo Business Forum (SBF) 2022, the leading business and investment conference in Southeast Europe (SEE), will be held on May 11th and 12th in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Registered participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Albania, have the opportunity to submit and present their projects and ideas to investors and business partners from all around the world. Continue reading Sarajevo Business Forum investment projects submission is open at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Ruches de l’ambassade. Visite d’un représentant de CityBzz, entreprise d’apiculture urbaine...

M. Volkan Tanaci, apiculteur au sein de l'entreprise spécialisée dans l'installation et l'entretien des ruches urbaines à Paris, CityBzz,, a visité notre ambassade pour avoir un retour d'expérience sur nos activités apicoles au centre-ville de Belgrade. - Vie de l'ambassade / Source : La France en Serbie (https://rs.ambafrance.org/)

Italian Design Day 2022

“Italian Lighting Technique: Smart Lighting for Smart Cities – Italian Excellence in Made-to-Measure Lighting Design” (23.03.2022 – 17:00h) This year, the Italian Design Day (IDD) is being held for the sixth time, and on that occasion, the Italian Embassy in Belgrade, the ICE Agency in Belgrade and the Italian Cultural Institute Belgrade, together with the Italian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Confindustria in Serbia, the Museum of Applied Arts in Belgrade and the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade, are presenting a conference titled ‘Italian Lighting Technology: Smart Lighting for Smart Cities – Italian Excellence in Made-to-Measure Lighting’, which will be held on March 23, 2022, at 5:00 PM, at the Museum of Applied Arts in Belgrade. Continue reading Italian Design Day 2022 at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Worldwide news story: Advice for fans travelling to Belgrade, Serbia for...

Advice for fans travelling to Belgrade, Serbia for the UEFA Europa League match

Video-takmičenje povodom Dana kineskog jezika UN

Ujedinjene nacije, stalna misija Kine pri UN, međunarodne delegacije i Evropski štab kineske medijske grupe organizuju video festival koji je zvanično otvoren 26. ferbuara 2022. godine. Pozivaju se svi zainteresovani da učestvuju u video-takmičenju sa temom “Šik Kina”. Od 26. februara do 20. aprila, ljudi širom sveta pozvani su da podele svoje lične video snimke koji prikazuju način života savremene Kine. To uključuje kinesku odeću i nošnju, hranu, arhitekturu, modu, poeziju i umetnost. Istorija je bila svedok progresivnih i impresivnih kulturoloških promena u Kini tokom godina. Registracija i slanje materijala: 26.2.2022-2.4.2022. Pregled i ocenjivanje svih materijala: 3.4.2022-8.4.2022. 2022 Dan kineskog jezika UN i specijalan program “Trendovi Kine” 20.4.2022. Na sledećem linku je poziv na engleskom jeziku (gde se nalaze svi potrebni podaci za prijavljivanje na takmičenje): https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/nxkLNOpG-knTHqwU6v_1Mw Na sledećem linku je poziv na kineskom jeziku: https://mp.we..

Conference: How to invest wisely 2022!

The fifth conference on How to invest wisely 2022 will be held online on 16th March 2022, as part of the Business Leap project. The goal of this year’s conference is to inform businessmen about the approachable sources of financing, incentives and support programs that are available, to provide professional information on what is wise to invest in and what are the current trends. Speakers at the conference are representatives of the Development Agency of Serbia, Development Agency of Vojvodina, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, EBRD, Intesa Invest, National Employment Service, Development Fund of Vojvodina, GEFF EBRD Fund, consulting houses Carbon and Energy Experts, and Maitea Consulting&Advisory. Continue reading Conference: How to invest wisely 2022! at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Otsuka Kouki, personal chef of the Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Takahiko...

Serbia has a very diverse offer of groceries, so it is possible to prepare traditional Japanese dishes such as tempura, sushi and others. Otsuka Kouki, personal chef of the Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Takahiko Katsumata, specializes in preparing European, and especially French dishes. He also worked as a chef for the Japanese embassy in Turkmenistan, before coming to Belgrade in 2020. He likes to share his recipes on social networks, and when preparing the dishes himself, he always thinks about how to make the best use of local ingredients in presenting the true tastes and charms of Japanese cuisine. Continue reading Otsuka Kouki, personal chef of the Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Takahiko Katsumata: I have a fulfilled life in Serbia at Diplomacy&Commerce.

Konkurs za stipendije Instituta Konfucije u Beogradu 2022.

Stipendije „Instituta Konfucije“ za 2022. godinu U cilju podizanja nivoa znanja kineskog jezika i kineske kulture kod polaznika Instituta Konfucije u Beogradu, kao i obučavanja stručnih kadrova za nastavu kineskog jezika kao stranog, Institut Konfucije u Beogradu i ove godine preporučuje kandidate za stipendije „Instituta Konfucije” za 2022. godinu. U nastavku su pobrojane vrste stipendija, uslovi za apliciranje, rokovi za prijavu, kao i detaljno uputstvo za traženje preporuke od naše institucije i celokupan proces prijave (stoga molimo one koji se odluče na taj korak da pažljivo i do kraja pročitaju ceo konkurs budući da se tu nalaze sva rešenja za eventualne nedoumice prilikom prijave). NAPOMENA : Od nas ne zavisi niti možemo da znamo da li će odlazak u Kinu, i pored dobijanja stipendije, zbog situacije sa korona virusom, biti moguć i da li će izabrani fakulteti stipendije koje ste dobili prebaciti na onlajn nastavu koju biste slušali iz Srbije ili ne. Svaki fakultet odlučuje zasebno..